me and my household

"Choose this day whom you will serve... ; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ Joshua 24:15

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Bubble machines and parent visits

The boys are with us for a few days. Yesterday we went and helped them buy a present for their carer. When we were thinking of things that she might want Mr 4 suggested she would like a bubble machine because hers is broken! Funny boy.

Yesterday afternoon the boys had a visit with one of their parents. They came back with a lot of toys. It's been interesting to see their relationship with the toys already is quite intense. It's not surprising really. So we're treading carefully while trying to manage them. One of the toys has a screen and there has been a desire to play with it quite intently. "It's mine" is the main refrain. Again, this is completely understandable. When so much has been taken from them, and they get something from their parent, there's bound to be a strong attachment. To say nothing of it being awfully fun. Fun enough to be up before 6am to play with it!

Long day ahead methinks.

Last night I sent a message to a dear friend who is much more experienced in this than me. She replied to me talking about it being like bringing another culture into your home. I think this is a really good point. We wouldn't generally let particular games be played and certainly not for large blocks of time. So today I'm thinking through what it means to accept a different culture that we wouldn't choose for our own kids, while at the same time helping them to making good choices and keeping them safe. My friend said that over time she has seen kids choose to want to live the way their family do. But it takes time. For us, for now, doing respite, this is just a learning process really. And I'm trying to learn as much as I can while we care for these boys here and there so that when it's more permanent we can start out with good practices that are helpful for our little charges.

Off to do some Christmas cooking now. Readying myself for conversations about hand washing.


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