me and my household

"Choose this day whom you will serve... ; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Where to from here?

Yesterday was a good day to reflect and review the weekend. We chatted with the boys permanent carer, and our case worker. The carer said the boys raved about their time with us, and with our boys in particular. They, and she, are very keen to continue the relationship. Our caseworker is too, and is keen to start a care plan to outline when they will come to us, etc. We were a bit concerned that when we get children with us permanently that changing this plan this would be very damaging for our new little friends. She was able to calm our fears by letting us know that they encourage ongoing contact, and that it would be good support for the boys and their carer for us to remain in their lives in whatever capacity we can. We were trilled to hear this. We told our boys this morning and they literally cheered. They were excited by the idea of having "extended family" in Tamworth. We had said we would be a bit like their Uncle, Aunty and cousins.

Can I just say, I am amazed by my boys. We have been praying about this a lot, as have so many others. To see their hearts open up to these little guys is so precious. They took their time, and had definite boundary issues with their precious belongings, but they took it all in their stride and loved them. I love my boys hearts. Mr 14 was quite concerned about what these boys had been through to get to where they are now, in foster care. Such a beautiful boy we have. So much compassion.

So the current aim for us is to get a plan in place so that we have the boys one weekend a month. Choosing weekends in term 4 is going to be interesting. We have a lot of things on, but I am looking forward to sharing our lives with these boys, no matter how complicated that might make things at times. What a privilege and a joy.


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