me and my household

"Choose this day whom you will serve... ; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ Joshua 24:15

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Who we are, and all that jazz.

We are a family of 4 living in rural NSW. My husband and I, and our two boys currently aged 14 and 12. I haven't decided yet whether I'll be sharing names, so this will be intentionally vague.

My husband is a minister of a church. I guess I am a "minister's wife" and a stay at home Mum, whatever that means. It's a little hard to describe what you do when nobody pays you to do it. If I had to go with what I'm paid to do then I am currently employed by the Australian Electoral Commission to work at a Polling Place, for one day. At other times I have been employed as an exam supervisor, a school chaplain, a Phoenix Trader, a Quicksmart presenter (not sure of the title). I am also a wife and a mother. None of these are really who I am though. Just various descriptions of my roles and things I do or have done.

Who I really am is a child of God, chosen by him before the beginning of time to be adopted into his family through the sacrifice and love of Christ Jesus. And to me the rest is just, in the words from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, frosting. Well frosting might be a bit of a crass way to describe the importance of being a wife and a mother in my life. But everything else in my life flows from the heart of who I am in Jesus.

Sorry if that sounds a bit odd to those of you who aren't christian, but it's the context of my life, and hence this blog.


Blogger Felix.Sylvester said...

I reckon you need to do 'pseudo names' like 'BB8' and 'Yoda'!

10:52 pm  
Blogger Erin said...

Excellent idea - will have to chat with them about this. Love the idea for names. Just need one for their father! Vader seems a bit harsh, but he is their father.

12:43 pm  
Blogger Felix.Sylvester said...

The Rev? Rocketman? :)

3:41 pm  

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