me and my household

"Choose this day whom you will serve... ; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ Joshua 24:15

Thursday, June 30, 2016

New Beginnings

I started this blog years ago to share with family and friends the happenings in the life of our young family.

Fast forward about 10 years and it's time for a new beginning. My boys are older, and we have reached a new phase in our family.

About a fortnight ago we were approved to be foster carers. This is a huge step for us, but one we have been thinking and praying about for a lot of years. I hope this blog might be a place where we can share some of that journey. The steps we've been through. The highs and inevitable lows. We don't expect it to be plain sailing, and we certain don't think we have all the answers. We don't think we can change the world. We hope we can change it for a few little people though.

Over the next little bit I hope to share a bit of our journey so far. Our thought processes, decision making criteria, and just what it's taken to get to the point of being approved. When I was looking for this kind of information I didn't find a lot of blogs that were specific to Australia. So hopefully this might help to fill that hole for someone else.



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